» Personal

I am a 20-some year old engineer, entrepreneur, and eternal student.

Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the mid-1980s, I grew up in a Philadelphia suburb.

I later attended Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, eventually receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering.

As an undergraduate I served as both Vice President and President for my school’s chapter of Kappa Sigma Fraternity, later being selected as one of fifteen Kappa Sigma Fellows for 2009.

I have had the good fortune to work for a year and a half for the Government and Industrial Robotics division of iRobot Corporation, a first-class robotics firm based outside of Boston, Massachusetts. The majority of my work involved firmware and general electrical engineering for the company’s PackBot robot.

Before that I worked for the R&D group of an automotive switch and sensor company based outside of Boston, called Pollak Engineered Products. During my time there I was involved in one of the group’s major projects involving multiple trips Waterloo, Iowa to work with the customer, John Deere.

I currently attend Penn State University as a graduate student pursuing a PhD. degree in Computer Science and Engineering. At Penn State I am a graduate research assistant working in the Networking and Security Research Center under Dr. Tom La Porta.

I frequently post tips or tricks I've come across (mostly dealing with programming) on the Edwards Research Group Blog and consider myself fluent in C, C++, PHP, mySQL, Java, Python, Bash Shell Scripting and Octave/MATLAB scripting. My linux distro of choice is Fedora and wholeheartedly believe you can accomplish anything via the command line.

In previous lives I've been a paper boy, a photo-lab technician, football player, waiter, bartender, and night manager of a bar.

I am an Eagle Scout and enjoy camping and many things outdoors.

My interests are learning new things, especially in technology, law, entrepreneurship and the various intersections therein. I also enjoy camping on the weekends and teaching anything that I know about and that people will listen to.